Become a Vendor

Become a Vendor

All new and returning vendors must fill out the Primary Information and Application.

Download application

Vendor Information


Mailing address (used for correspondence & billing)


Production address (if different)


Including http(s):// or (s)ftp://

Vendor categories/information


Grower Information

Value-added goods information

Non-food information

Prepared food information


Seasonal Rates
Seasonal rates are for the entire 6-month season. Vendors are allowed four (4), non-consecutive absences per season. Vendors are required to inform Market Master of absences ahead of time. No-call, no-shows are unacceptable. The Market Master reserves the right to exclude any no-call, no-show vendors for the remainder of the current season and future seasons should they see fit.

*Elected space preference should account for the presentation of all products, vehicle, trailers, etc. and will be taken into the consideration. Allotted spaces will be strictly enforced.

Partial/Drop-In Rates
Partial/Drop-In Rates are for vendors that are unable to commit to the entire 6-month season. Space for Partial/Drop-In vendors is typically available during the beginning (May/June) and end (September/October) of the season. Vendors willing and able to commit to four or more (4+), predetermined drop-in dates during those months, will receive a discounted rate. Drop-in spaces will be located directly on Market Street. Payment will be due upon arrival.

Please select the dates in which you would like to participate. Selecting dates does not guarantee participation. Market Master will notify drop-in vendors no later than 24-hours prior to Market Day.

Please include the following to be considered for this season:

  • COMPLETED Primary Information and application
  • Organic Grower Certifications (if applicable)
  • Egg Board Certifications
  • Certificate of Liability (minimum of $1,000,000 in coverage) including:
    1. Indianapolis City Market Staff & Board of Directors
    2. City of Indianapolis

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